Reaching out to individuals living with Mitochondrial Diseases

Below is a brochure, produced by MITO HOPE and HELP, which provides you with basic information about mitochondrial diseases.
We also encourage you to visit www.mitoaction.org and www.umdf.org.
At either of these websites you will find an in-depth wealth of more detailed information about mitochondrial diseases along with additional advocacy tips, support and resources on a national level.
MITO HOPE and HELP's primary focus is to address the needs of our local MITO community in Northeastern NY.
Please click on brochure, below, to enlarge.

Only relatively recently has there been the ability to diagnose individuals and still many go undiagnosed or are misdiagnosed. Unfortunately, complicating all of the above factors there are very few physicians trained to recognize, diagnose and provide care for those suffering from mitochondrial diseases. This equates to a great lack of appropriate medical care and support for "Mito" patients.